Romantic Italian Tenors

г. Ставрополь - 20 ноября 19:00
Gianluca Paganelli  "Il tempo delle cattedrali" Riccardo Cocciante, Notre dame de Paris"
Fabio Andreotti  "Passione mediterranea"
Mauro De Santis

The Romantic Italian Tenors

Джанлука Паганелли, Фабио Андреотти и Мауро Де Сантис познакомились во время учебы в консерватории в Италии, где они окончили оперное пение, вокальную технику, актерское мастерство и теорию музыки. После окончания школы они посещали различные мастер классы у таких известных мастеров оперного пения, как Лучано Паваротти, Пласидо Доминго, Андреа Бочелли, Магда Оливеро, Мирелла Френи, Габриэлла Туччи, Ренато Брусон и других. За свою карьеру три молодых тенора часто пели в одних и тех же операх, на концертах и телевизионных мероприятия и крепко сдружились. В 2015 году их история, казалось, уже была написана: они воссоединились, чтобы создать проект, который принесет им большой успех, популярность и признание во всем мире: трио "Итальянские Теноры".

В 2015 году трио начало свою карьеру с турне по Италии, выступая в самых престижных театрах, включая Театр оперы в Риме, Ла Фениче в Венеции, Флоренции, Театр Петруцелли в Бари, Театр дель Маджо Музыкале Фьорентино и другие.

В 2017 году Джанлука, Фабио и Мауро дебютировали на международном уровне в Европе, выступив в Бриджуотер-холле в Манчестере, Париже, а затем в Германии, Испании и Севилье («Кармен» Бизе).

В 2018 году они гастролировали по Азии, выступая в Южном Китае, Сиане (Шэньси) и на CCTV на открытии «Шелкового пути». Также выступали в Японии, в престижном зале Ginza в Токио, а затем гастролировали из Осаки в Нагою, Сендай, Киото и, наконец, в театр Art Center в Сеуле, Южная Корея.

2019 год - дебют в США, с выступлениями в таких городах, Как Нью-Йорк, Лос-Анджелес и Чикаго, а также в театре «Авалон» в Ниагара-Фолс, Канада.

"Итальянские Теноры" сотрудничали со многими всемирно известными оркестрами и дирижерами, в том числе с Королевским филармоническим оркестром, Берлинским филармоническим оркестром и Венским филармоническим оркестром, Филармоническим оркестром Павлодара и др. под руководством маэстро Ёсиды Хирофуми, Оркестром Римской оперы, а так же, с такими всемирно известными артистами, как Андреа Бочелли, Сара Брайтман, Хейли Вестенра и Катя Риччарелли и др.

В 2018 году трио было награждено за выдающиеся достижения в оперном пении 25-й юбилейной премией итало-казахстанских дипломатических отношений.

В 2020 году трио "Итальянские Теноры" удостоилось премии «Серебряная лоза» за «Лучшее оперное исполнение». Итальянские теноры Джанлука Паганелли, Фабио Андреотти и Мауро Де Сантис - настоящее воплощение выдающихся достижений Италии в международном оперном искусстве, благодаря своей необычайной вокальной технике и неутомимой страсти к музыке!


16 ноября - г.Калининград
18 ноября - г.Москва
20 ноября - г.Ставрополь

Mauro De Santis

Short Biography
Tenor Mauro De Santis graduated in opera singing from the Licinio Refice Conservatory in Frosinone in 2004/2005.
He then honed his skills with Maestro Donato Di Stefano by participating in several of his masterclasses.
In 2012/2013, he specialized in advanced studies in opera singing at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome.
He has made his debut in several operas, including Traviata, Gianni Schicci, Amico Fritz, Bohème, La livella, Arlesiana, Aida, Brundibar, and Trovatore.
Among his liturgical works, he has debuted in Schubert's Mass in G, Mozart's Mass Brevis et Solennis, Bozzotti's Mass, Perosi's Te Deum Laudamus, Haydn and Amilcare's The Last Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross, and Mozart's Requiem.
He has sung in several theaters throughout Italy and Europe, including Opera di Roma, Gian Carlo Menotti in Spoleto, Genoa, Siena, Arena Di Verona, France: Nimes, Anemas, Poland: Warsaw, Krakow, etc.
He has been directed by Aiezza, Zambelli, Menicagli, Di Lauro, Colon, Pappano, and others.

Tenor Gianluca Paganelli

He studied with his uncle, the bariton Ludovico Malavasi, and also he had lessons with the famous singers such as the soprano Renata Scotto and tenor Luciano Pavarotti, Alfredo Krauss.
Paganelli is an operatic tenor who has mastered both the discipline of Opera and the world of classical crossover.
In 2010 Gianluca was the winner of the Italian National Talent show "I Raccomandati" on Rai1 with more than 6.000,000 of Tv viewers.
Paganelli is currently achieving success in England with the release of his CD "Tango" featuring this new style of classical and pop singing. The album was launched at a press conference during ‘Marriage Week UK’ in Westminster in London, where Gianluca was presented to and interviewed in the presence of members of Parliament, in the House of Commons.
Thanks to this national platform and the sponsorship of the world famous ‘Strictly come dancing’ judge Len Goodman, the album made waves in the UK from that moment, the classical artist’s reputation in Britain was cemented and he was invited to be a guest on numerous radio shows and gave television appearances on the BBC and ITV, like the interview radio by the famous journalist Maureen Walsh for Sunday broadcast in Merseyside.
National and specialist magazines and newspapers, such as the Daily Mail and the Sunday Times, covered the release of his album and featured him as an upcoming Star.
His many fans were delighted to watch him performing on tour in 2011 and 2012 with such celebrated artists as "The Soldiers" and then Hayley Westenra with whom he sang several famous hits taken from the crossover repertoire including "Time to say goodbye" and “Vivo per lei”. In addition to these songs, he performed a number of tunes from his album, "Tango": "No other love" Blue spanish eyes, "La Cumparsita", “Jealousy” and "El choclo". These tours brought him to the most prestigious venues in the UK, including Bridgewater Hall in Manchester and the Sage Gateshead in Newcastle, with an audience of more than five thousand people at each show.
The tenor is a frequent guest at sporting matches including the prestigious ‘Six Nations’ at Twickenham, London. Gianluca Paganelli has not just the most gorgeous vocal talent but the looks to match, which is fitting as his new album is set to revolutionize the way we listen to perhaps the most passionate of all musical styles, the Tango, when it is released in October 2011. With a classical background honed in his homeland of Italy, Gianluca has already very much made a name for himself in the birthplace of Opera with successful releases to date as well as TV appearances and roles in movies.
His Valentino good looks have made him a focus for the media especially the female ones but even though this has brought him unavoidable attention, it is his voice and his ability to perform at the highest level that has marked him down as a new Star on the horizon. He sang frequently in Canada at Avalon Theater at Niagara falls and it was sold out on 2015, 2016, 2017.
In 2018 he took part in a tour in Canada, Usa and South America.
In 2016, in Japan Gianluca launched with success the album DESTINO and the tour was great. In 2017 he performed in Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, And Tokyo at Yamaha Hall with Orion's group, it was a amazing sold out. In 2017 he did a recital as one man show in Kazakistan with the Filarmonic Orchestra of Pavlodar, the concert was on the national television and it was a great success.
On 2015 Gianluca was in China, on TV CCN Xian, as a guest, at big concert “La via della seta” with the famous soprano Hongmei Nie.
Gianluca did a concert in Rome in 2017 singing the most important hits of Franco Micalizzi such as “L'ultima neve di primavera”, “Trinity”, ecc.
Gianluca is the tenor in “Lo Stabat Mater”, the rock symphonic Opera, received the prize of Rome video clips, section Indie. At the moment he is recording a album with the most important hits of M°Franco Simone and concerts around the world.

Fabio Andreotti

The tenor Fabio Andreotti was born in Rome, where he completed his classical studies and graduated in Political Science. He began studying singing under the guidance of baritone Antonio Boyer.
From 2000 to 2005, he attended the International Lyric Academy of Sulmona, studying with Magda Olivero, Mirella Freni, Gabriella Tucci, and Renato Bruson. He specialized with tenor Gianni Raimondi and gave numerous concerts for the same academy.
In 1996, he made his debut singing Franz Joseph Haydn's Salve Regina. As one of the winners of the fifth Francesco Albanese singing competition, he played the role of Alfredo Germont in Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata at the Manzoni theater in Rome, under the guidance of Maestro L. Castriota Skandemberg, and the Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto under the direction of Nicola Samale. He has repeated these roles many times.
For the opening of the Jubilee of 2000, he performed Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Missa brevis KV 194 and Vesperae Solemnes de Confessore KV 339 at the Cathedral of S. Andrea in Pescara, under the patronage of the President of the Republic, and the direction of Maestro Luca Ferrara. He performed the Requiem Mass at the Roman theater of Ostia Antica for the celebrations of the death of Giuseppe Verdi, under the direction of Maestro Stefano Vignati.
He performs in concerts in the United States, Argentina, and Japan. In 2002, he gave a piano recital at the Suntory Hall in Tokyo and also sang Mozart's Requiem at the Marrucino in Chieti, conducted by Maestro Maurizio Dones. In 2003, he performed again at the Suntory Hall in Tokyo and sang the role of Pinkerton in Giacomo Puccini's Madama Butterfly at the Daegu Opera House in South Korea, conducted by Maestro Seiichi Kotani.
In 2004, he played Alfredo Germont in the El Djem amphitheater in Tunisia and also participated in a concert with Fiorenza Cossotto at the Vincenzo Bellini Institute in Catania with pianist Elda Laro.
In April 2004, he sang Verdi's Requiem Mass at the Municipal Theater of Sulmona. He recorded the role of Sesto in Georg Friedrich Haendel's Giulio Cesare with soprano Janet Perry for the Ariel label. He also performed in Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story and George Gershwin's Porgy and Bess for the Municipal Theater of Sulmona. In January 2005, he gave a concert with the Estonian National Orchestra in Tallinn, Estonia, with soprano Galina Gorchakova, conducted by Maestro Dario Lucantoni. In May 2005, he performed several concerts with Maestro Leone Magiera.
In November 2005, he performed Verdi's Requiem Mass at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, conducted by Maestro Eliahu Inbal. In December of the same year, he sang the role of Colombello in U. Giordano's Re di U. Giordano at the Umberto Giordano Municipal Theater in Foggia, conducted by G. Fratta.
In March 2006, he gave a gala concert for the opening of the Ankara Opera House season, conducted by Maestro Dario Lucantoni. In the summer of 2006, he gave a recital for the Rexburg Music University in the USA. For the 2006 season of the Rome Opera House, he sang the tenor role in the ballet "From Goethe's Faust" by Franz Liszt, conducted by Maestro Will Humburg. He also represented Italy for the concerts in Canton in September 2006 during the Italy-China summit, again on behalf of the Rome Opera House. In October, he played the role of the Duke in Rigoletto at the Pegognaga Theater (Mantua), conducted by Maestro Matteo Beltrami.
In February 2007, he gave a concert at the Rome Opera House for the inauguration of the European Opera Days. In May 2007, he performed a concert in Tokyo with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Maestro Yoshida Hirofumi at the Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall. In May 2007, he sang in Traviata for the Macedonian Opera and Ballet, conducted by Stane Jurgec, and in September he gave a concert in memory of tenor Enrico Caruso at the Sanders Theatre at Harvard University in Boston (USA). He performed Verdi's Requiem Mass in Quito (Ecuador) conducted by Maestro Patricio Aizaga with the Juvenile Orchestra of Quito, and returned to Japan in February for G. Verdi's La Traviata.
In March 2008, he gave a concert on behalf of the Rome Opera House at the Niigata Theater in Japan. In June 2008, he performed with the Krasnoyarsk Symphony Orchestra directed by Mark Kadin. In the summer of 2008, he received the silver medal from the city of Rome for the program "Toccata e Fuga," concerts in collaboration between the Municipality of Rome and the Teatro dell'Opera. In December 2008, he performed Rodolfo from G. Puccini's La Bohème at the Cairo Opera House under the guidance of Nayer Nagui.
In May 2009, he interpreted Madama Butterfly at the Skopje Opera House under the baton of Maestro Ivan Repusic. In September 2009, he was in Tokyo for concerts for the Opera Theater in collaboration with the Municipality of Rome, and in October, he gave a recital at Suntory Hull, also in Tokyo.
In January 2010, he performed Aida at the Cairo Opera House. In September 2010, he was in Shanghai and Beijing for concerts directed by Maestro Yu Feng. He then sang Tosca at the Volterra theater directed by Maestro Sergio La Stella.
In April 2011, he was Alfredo in La Traviata at the National Theater of Tirana under the direction of Peter Tiboris and directed by Nikolin Gurakuqi. He performed as Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi at the Damascus Opera House under the direction of Nahel Ahlabi in May 2011, and in August, he gave a recital at the Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow and another recital at UPH University in Jakarta, Indonesia, during the same period. In September 2011, he held a gala on Puccini at the Damascus Opera House, and in November 2011, he was Pinkerton in Madama Butterfly on behalf of the Petruzzelli Theater of Bari at the Art Center Theater in Seoul, Korea. In December, he gave a recital at the Dom Musica in Moscow.
In early 2012, he sang Aida and Tosca at the Cairo Opera House under the direction of Nayer Nagui, and in March and October, he began a series of concerts-recitals at the Dom Musica in Moscow.
In December 2013, he performed at the Rimsky-Korsakov Hall in St. Petersburg and at the Dom Musica in Moscow. In March 2013, he sang Radamès (Aida) under the direction of Valery Poliansky at the Tchaikovsky Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, and again as Aida in Panama directed by Elio Orciuolo. He subsequently performed Verdi's Requiem under the direction of Leonardo Quadrini at the Abbaziale Palace in Loreto. In the summer of 2013, he performed at the Classic Open Air Festival in Berlin. In November 2013, he gave a recital at the Dom Musica in Moscow under the direction of Philippe Chicievski.
In the summer of 2014, he was the protagonist of the Elba Festival in Brandenburg (Germany) under the direction of Heinz Walter Florin. He was the protagonist of the Classic Open Air Festival (Italienische Sommernacht) in Berlin in July 2015 under the direction of Michael Helmrath.
He is about to return to Moscow in the course of 2015, where he is appreciated by the press and the public as one of the tenors who embodies the most genuine Italian tradition. He interprets Ernani at the Istanbul Theater in November 2016, and he is again in Moscow for a recital at the Dom Musica, which continually sees sold-out shows. His upcoming engagements include a recital in Moscow in May 2018 and again in the role of Otello In the Ciboxary Theater in Russia, in 2019 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, he performed the role of Radames in Giuseppe Verdi's Aida under the direction of Maestro Aurelio Canonici.
That same year, he went on a tour of 33 concerts across southern China, performing in the major state theaters. He also held master classes in Italy at the Latina branch of the Conservatory of Rome, as well as at the conservatories of Tashkent and the University of Bucchara in Uzbekistan.

His repertoire includes:
• La Traviata (Giuseppe Verdi)
• Rigoletto (Giuseppe Verdi)
• Requiem (Giuseppe Verdi)
• Ernani (Giuseppe Verdi)
• Otello (Giuseppe Verdi)
• Aida (Giuseppe Verdi)
• L'elisir d'amore (Gaetano Donizetti)
• Don Pasquale (Gaetano Donizetti)
• Lucia di Lamermoor (Gaetano Donizetti)
• Requiem (W.A. Mozart)
• Madama Butterfly (G. Puccini)
• Gianni Schicchi (G. Puccini)
• Bohème (G. Puccini)
• Il Re (Umberto Giordano)
• Tosca (G. Puccini)
• Ballo in maschera (Giuseppe Verdi)
• Carmen (Georges Bizet)
• Turandot (G. Puccini)
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